March 2024 – The usual lovely breakfast and help with anxiety.


Our guest speaker – and chairman – had some helpful tips on dealing with anxiety at the March breakfast and gave everyone a useful handout to help.


Colin Tapscott guides us through the process of dealing with anxiety 

Does speaking in front of a crowd, meeting new people or having a difficult conversation increase your stress and anxiety levels?

Colin Tapscott, of Everyday Leader, outlined three key strategies to deal with your anxiety, whatever its cause. They are:

  • Read your body and mind
  • Realise what you need
  • Respond with some new thinking

March 2024 Breakfast News

Stress and anxiety are caused by an increase in the hormone cortisol which Increases the heart rate getting the body ready for fight or flight.

Among the possible strategies is using blue or pink inhalers. Blue are often used for Asthma and are reactive while pink ones are proactive.

But there are also non-medical methods you can try including laughter, exercise, reducing caffeine, reading, meditation and hobbies.

Anxiety comes from feelings of being out of control, Colin explained.

March 2024 Breakfast News

Try breathing in slowly for five seconds, holding the breath for five seconds then breathing out for five seconds.

To gain control you could try the Wonder Woman pose (hands on hips and shoulders back). You could also Identify your golden zone (the number of people you feel comfortable with and gradually expand it.)

In a nutshell, dealing with anxiety means acknowledging it, appraising it and addressing your concerns by trying to respond with new thinking.


For the future

Anyone who needs to refresh their Member Spotlight or has not yet been featured in a Member Spotlight on the website, please get in touch with publicity officer Alison Withers: [email protected]

Chairman Colin Tapscott is always happy to receive any suggestions for what members want to see the Chamber doing in the future. Please send your ideas (and your wish lists) to [email protected]


Dates for your diary:

Please check the website in case of any last-minute changes.

Coffee Morning Chamber Breakfast
Softwood Books
5 Wharfside House
Prentice Road
Stowmarket IP14 1RD
The Mix Stowmarket
127 Ipswich Street
Stowmarket IP14 1BB
or on Zoom
Friday, 5 April 2024 Friday, 19 April 2024
10.00 am to noon  7.15 am to 9.00 am


For more information contact Keely Taylor

by phone: 01449 770965 or e-mail: [email protected].

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