Our Networking Events

Networking Events

Are you a nervous new networker? Don’t worry – we’ll help you feel right at home. Just come along and chat with people – new leads and successful business partnerships begin with friendly relationships. Stowmarket & District Chamber of Commerce is a great place to start.

All our Events are booked via Eventbrite.

Coffee Mornings – usually 1st Friday in the month

Our Coffee Mornings are relaxed, friendly and informal networking. No pressure to do a 60-second introduction just a chance to meet and connect with like-minded businesses and local charities. We often have interesting local speakers so check our newsletter and social media to see who’s presenting.

Both booking and payment is on Eventbrite and you can book via this link. The location varies as we visit different businesses in the area so please check either the sidebar of the website or Eventbrite each time.

N.B. Please note booking closes at midnight on the Thursday night before the Coffee Morning.

The cost for Coffee Mornings for Members is £6.00 and for non-Members is £8.00.

“What a little gem this networking group is.”

“I’ve been attending this for about 4 or 5 months and as it’s not so far from my locality, already know some people who attend. This has been valuable to reconnect and stay in touch. However, I’ve also made lots of new contacts and in that short space of time secured at least three new clients.

This encouraged me to join their monthly breakfast, using the online Zoom option. I believe being able to offer a hybrid meeting gives people choice and shows forward thinking from the Stowmarket Chamber – the best bit is you’re under no pressure to be a chamber member.

Win-win all round! ”

Penny Morgan

Penny Morgan Photography/Love Your Image

Breakfasts – usually 3rd Friday in the month

Since we reintroduced in-person networking, we have also offered the option of attending via Zoom as a hybrid networking option.  Although attending via Zoom you miss out on the delicious breakfasts at the Mix, you have the opportunity to network without physically attending.

Both face-to-face and Zoom attendees have the opportunity for a 60 seconds presentation to let other businesses know what you do, as well as the chance to hear from the main speaker at the breakfast.

Our breakfasts provide a great opportunity to meet with old friends, existing and potential customers and new businesses in the area.  They are open to all and visitors are welcome to join us as often as they’d like without feeling under pressure to join the Chamber (of course, we love it if you did become a Member!).

If you are joining for face-to-face networking, a full English will set you up for the day (drop us an email if you have any special dietary requirements). We’d love to see you at silly o’clock, and will greet you with large quantities of caffeine and a pair of matchsticks to help keep your eyes open!


The venue for our breakfasts is The Mix in Stowmarket, please check the map here if you’re not certain of the location.

7.15am Doors open
7.45am Breakfast
7:45am Zoom participants to join
9.00am Finish
(but you can stay and chat afterwards – most of us do!).

The cost for Face-to-Face Breakfasts for Members is £19.00 and for non-Members is £24.50 and for Zoom attendees is £4.50 for Members and £6.00 for non-Members.

Booking and payment is on Eventbrite so please book your place via this link.

N.B. Please note booking closes at 12 noon on the Wednesday before the Friday breakfast as we need to let The Mix know the number attending.

We hope to see you at one of our events!

Further information will be available in our Newsletters, so sign up now to be kept informed!

The Newsletter subscription form is at the foot of this page.

Please note that Stowmarket and District Chamber of Commerce is not VAT registered and there is no VAT included in these amounts.

“What a friendly bunch of people you are!”

“I have attended several breakfasts with the Stowmarket Chamber of Commerce. What a friendly bunch of people you are!

I have found the meetings very positive, and made contacts that are proving helpful to my colleagues as well as to me.

I will continue to come along and have to say that the food is pretty good too! ”

Jane Brooker

Bates Wells & Braithwaite Solicitors

If you’re not a member and you’d like to become one, enabling you to attend all our events at member rates and have an entry on our website, click here: membership.

We’re pleased to offer attendance at member rates to other organisations with whom we have reciprocal arrangements.  This list can change so, if you are not sure, please contact us to ask.  Currently, Sudbury Chamber, Hadleigh Chamber and ISSBA members are eligible to book at the same rate as Members.

Keep in Touch

Sign up for our Newsletters now to be kept informed!


Upcoming Events

Please note that cut-off for booking Coffee Mornings is Thursday at midnight the day before and for Breakfasts is Wednesday, 12noon of that week as we have to let The Mix know numbers!

Friday, 17th January 2025
7.15am-9.00am at
The Mix Stowmarket
127 Ipswich Street
Stowmarket IP14 1BB
Online attendees join: 7.45am
Book here
Members £19.00/Visitors £24.50
Online: Members £4.50/Visitors £6.00

Coffee Morning
Friday, 7th February 2025
10.00am-12.00noon at
The Food Museum
Iliffe Way
127 Ipswich Street
Stowmarket IP14 1SL
Book here
Members £6.00/Visitors £8.00

MSBE 2025
26th MARCH 2025
Follow these links:
Book a stand
Book a visitor ticket
Book for Safari Networking Breakfast

Sign up for our Newsletters to be kept informed! The subscription form is at the foot of this page.

For information on other events in Suffolk

Suffolk Chamber of Commerce Events

Click here to visit the Suffolk Chamber of Commerce Events page

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