Frequently Asked Questions
While we’re always happy to answer your questions, why not take a quick look at our FAQs below to see if the answer is here.
How many times can I visit before I have to join?
To find out more information on Membership, click here.
Can I join if there is another business with the same products and services as mine?
An emphatic yes to that one!
We are happy to welcome those from the same industry or profession as members. We don’t operate an exclusivity policy as we strongly believe in choice and that there is plenty of business available in our local market.
In other places I have visited people can bring and display a stand or banner. Can we do this in the Chamber?
Is there an opportunity to deliver a small presentation at some time?
Please let Keely, the Chamber Secretary on [email protected], know if you are interested in presenting.
Can we bring some of our products to display at the meeting?
Edible products are especially welcome!
Do I have to use PayPal?
No, we accept payment by bank transfer, cash and (reluctantly) cheques, for both membership and attending events.
However, if you wish to pay by credit or debit card you will need to go via PayPal. Note that you do not need a PayPal account, just use their “guest” checkout to handle the card payment.
We can accept bookings for breakfast via email provided that payment is made on the day by cash or cheque.
We do this on the understanding that bookings cancelled less than 48 hours before the event (including no-shows) must be paid for, and there will be a surcharge added to any invoice we have to send out to obtain payment.
My organisation requires an invoice for any payment – how can you handle this?
We will be delighted to issue an invoice for annual membership: obviously your membership, and any benefits, start from the date we receive payment, not the date of application.
Breakfasts are trickier! In our experience, organisations that require pre-invoicing are rarely swift payers, and payment is unlikely to be made in time for the event. Therefore, our attendees from larger organisations usually pay cash on the door, and we issue a receipt so they can claim the business expense. Alternatively, we do offer season ticket options which can be pre-invoiced.