by Kim Morrison | Jun 7, 2020 | Breakfast Networking
Myths of networking – for exploding! Our intrepid Treasurer, Kate Kelly, recently represented the Chamber at the very successful ISSBA/ABE Virtual Business Summit and gave a talk on networking. Kate is an experienced networker and has built her business on...
by Kim Morrison | May 1, 2020 | Newsletters
How can your customers reach you? Right now everyone’s saying you need to look after your customers if you want to stay in business. Which – usually – means keeping in touch with them. Reaching out is good, of course – but what happens when customers or...
by Kim Morrison | Apr 15, 2020 | Breakfast Networking, Newsletters
Stowmarket Chamber – Zooms! You may already have found that is a great way for your business to keep in touch during lockdown. Which is why we at the Chamber are using it to recreate our networking events online. And we’ll start by hosting a free...
by Alison Withers | Mar 3, 2020 | Breakfast Networking
February 2020 breakfast – Sharing the love and some very useful tips For February 2020 our 25 breakfasters were, appropriately, sharing the love by expressing their gratitude for the services of other members they have used. We were also delighted to...
by Alison Withers | Jan 28, 2020 | Breakfast Networking
January 2020 breakfast – A Mix makeover, pigeon flapping and a worthy cause. Our first breakfast of the new year and decade took place in January 2020 in the newly-revamped and very stylish Cabbages and Kings restaurant at The Mix. The restaurant now boasts a...