May 2019 breakfast and AGM

We may be a little eccentric but we still do things properly


This month’s breakfast was all about the last year and (re)election of your committee.


Chairman’s Report

Chairman Allan Scott opened the AGM proceedings with a summary of activities and achievements, most notably the success of the Mid Suffolk Business Exhibition, MSBE2, our second – and improved – business exhibition.

Allan said that it was approached with some trepidation because the first one had novelty value. The pressure was on to improve standards and provide something new and we were likely to be judged on what had happened previously.

However, it was important to continue, he said, because there is a gap in the market for a business exhibition in central Suffolk, particularly as there are a great many very small businesses in the area. These kinds of businesses make up around 98% of business in the UK.

Feedback so far is that it was very well-organised with helpful set-up arrangements and that exhibitors were kept well informed.

Other Chamber activities have included continuing to support and work with those promoting a tech hub for Stowmarket and this will continue.

We are in contact with Andy McMillan, MSDC economic development officer, supporting the bid for money from the Government’s Future High Street Fund and we are also supporting the Regal’s plans for its development.


Secretary’s Report

Secretary Keely Taylor confirmed that we shall continue with our breakfasts and coffee mornings and have a list of interesting possible speakers.  There is also a plan to visit the Great Blakenham recycling centre next month.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Kate Kelly reported that as a not-for-profit organisation any profits are ploughed back into our activities. We closed 2018 with a balance of £2,800 and will be seeking to build on that.  TSB’s banking meltdown problems caused some problems but the Chamber bank account has now been moved to Barclays.

Membership is currently 37, helped by MSBE2 and we are managing to keep prices affordable.  The possible price risks in the future could be diminishing numbers of attendees at meetings but we are emphasising that we are “not the usual stuffy clique of suits”. We also make it clear that people don’t have to be members to come to our meetings. A loyalty card has been issued for coffee mornings, which on completion gives one free attendance.

After the reports members present were invited to vote on re-election of the committee, which was duly passed. However, as the meeting conflicted with some members’ holidays or other commitments our lovely secretary will be ensuring that all those not able to be there are happy with the vote – we may not be “stuffy suits” but we do some things “properly”!

Tell us what you want

Allan is happy to receive any suggestions for what members want to see the Chamber doing in the future. Please send your ideas (and your want lists) to [email protected].


Dates for your diary:

June Coffee  June Breakfast
Needham Market Community Centre The Mix, Stowmarket
Friday, June 7

Friday, June 21

10.00am-12noon Starting at 6.45am

For more information contact Keely Taylor

phone: 01449 770965

e-mail: [email protected]


Anyone who has a story to publicise should contact marketing officer Alison Withers:

[email protected]

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