June 2019 breakfast

We welcome visitors, guests – and games!


At the June 2019 breakfast meeting, there were 22 people including one new member and two guests.

New member Joanne Moss set up Moss HR ten years ago and has 20 years’ experience in helping businesses deal with staffing issues.

Paul Flanagan’s PRV Consultancy has spent many years working for major companies helping them with health and safety project management.  He has now set up his own business tailored to meet the needs of SMEs.

Liz Rix has joined the Performance Plus Partnership, helping businesses to put in quality management systems and gain accreditation.


Time for some games with a purpose

Colin Tapscott June 2019It always livens things up when your audience has something to do, not, of course, that we are suggesting that our breakfasters are less than bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 7am in the morning!

Colin Tapscott, of Everyday Leader, however, split us into teams and gave each team a bag of coloured counters and just 90 seconds to separate them into single-colour groups. Nothing like a little healthy competition!

After the first round, groups were charged with considering how they could better organise their efforts to make a second attempt.

Serious concentration on games June 2019Surprisingly, most did no better on the second try.  In fact, in some groups the times were slower, which, said Colin, is a normal and expected result in this kind of exercise.

Another discussion and a third go did improve times somewhat.

The point of it all was to demonstrate the process of encouraging people to work as teams and to make marginal gains in improving performance.

Sorting counters - June 2019Using the acronym GROW: Goal (what you are trying to achieve), Reality (what actually happens), Options (making improvements) and Which (which improvements actually work best) he explained that it is a method he uses to coach people, both as teams and as leaders, to analyse the way they approach tasks and find out what will work best, all to the benefit of their businesses.

Tell us what you want

Allan is happy to receive any suggestions for what members want to see the Chamber doing in the future. Please send your ideas (and your want lists) to [email protected].


Dates for your diary:

July Coffee  July Breakfast
Needham Market Community Centre The Mix, Stowmarket
Friday, July 5

Friday, July 19

10.00am-12noon Starting at 6.45am

For more information contact Keely Taylor

phone: 01449 770965

e-mail: [email protected]


Anyone who has a story to publicise should contact marketing officer Alison Withers:

[email protected]

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