by Alison Withers | Apr 1, 2019 | Breakfast Networking, Mid Suffolk Business Exhibition
March 2019 breakfast You don’t have to be mad to come here but…! Business “plumbing” over coffee and cake, proofreading the third draft of a guide to recruiting, delivering acupuncture patients for another member, finding dead people, dealing with idiots. It’s...
by Alison Withers | Mar 6, 2019 | Breakfast Networking, Mid Suffolk Business Exhibition
February 2019 breakfast Benefit from a wide variety of skills over breakfast! Those who have so far resisted the temptation of a lovely breakfast at the Mix are missing out on the opportunity to meet experts from a wide range of businesses. The February breakfast...
by Alison Withers | Feb 5, 2019 | Breakfast Networking, Mid Suffolk Business Exhibition
January 2019 breakfast New Year, icy start and time to think about holidays! A get well soon to Our Lovely Secretary, Keely Taylor, who was felled by the seasonal flu – not suggesting that the attraction of staying in a nice, warm bed rather than scraping ice...