March 2015 Breakfast
We tried out a new venue, The Cedars Park Community Centre, and nobody got lost! Not only that but the breakfast was amazing (see picture).
There were sterling performances from Chairman Peter, who attended on his Golden Wedding Anniversary, and Kim Morrison, celebrating her birthday and announcing the launch of a new joint venture with Lindsey Trainer to be called Morr Marketing – so congratulations all round.
The Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Bury St Edmunds Jo Churchill also joined us. It is encouraging to have a PPC who has a background and practical experience in business.
Peter’s Bees
Peter reported back on a dinner he attended on our behalf, co-hosted by Suffolk Chamber, Mid-Suffolk and Babergh District Councils and the County Council, in Stowmarket and attended by local business leaders.
The general theme was what could be done to make Stowmarket and its travel to work area a better place to live, work and raise a family.
It seems the message that the Stowmarket Chamber has been pushing that there are many businesses and opportunities in the “green bit in the middle” has got through and it was announced that Charlie Adan, the District Councils’ CEO, has taken on responsibility for overseeing efforts to boost this area.
Any comments or suggestions for the future please contact the Chairman, Peter Down at: